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Maria del Carmen Vázquez Prats is born in Pontevedra On November 5th, 1934, in house of her mother grandmother Ana, represented by a matron, and in the middle of an epoch loaded with revolutions and political changes. To the age of 5 years Benavente (Zamora) is going to be lived, where her father Alfonso was a Chief of Station; her mother Maria del Carmen was devoting herself to the care of her two brothers and of her. Already from very early age she begins her beginnings in the drawing and she flirts already with the painting, besides her great interest for the classic music and the instruments.

With her father and brothers they were touching the lute and were singing some evenings of meeting, - sometimes times with friends-, making happy those days full of confusion and fears of the war. Here she resided up to the age of 13 years, was at the time when she settles down in Orense, where itshe resides actually.
Her infantile face gave step to a young woman with deep look that was feeling artist´s profiles, always being fixed in the landscape that was surrounding it and in the colors so beautiful that provide the Galician forests to her. Of green torn and fragile eyes they contrast with the firmness of herpulse in the outline of her works. She could canalize her emotions across this extensive palette of colors, and still she does it.

In the year 1956 sheturns into disciple of Luciano Cárcamo, who was turning into a study of small painters a former shop of art. There she learned the difficult managing of the spatula, way that few ones dare to walk, the great majority chooses the paintbrush.

She is in the same epoch when she turns into Teacher of Manual Works, and a bit later on Otero Pedrayo is an attached teacher of Drawing in the Normal School of Teaching, in the Institute, and in the Institute Blanco Amor.

From very early age, approximately from 8 years already she was drawing enough good, at present she would not have patience to be so a perfectionist. In this epoch she was living in Benavente, where she was going to the college. Every day she was going out to the waxing to draw the topic on which the dictation was going. During the childhood and youth what more was making him happy age draw and do paint.

Her first exhibition happens in the year 1958, largely she supposed a great illusion, but also she realized the great responsibilidad that now had in her hands, she could not be upset with to the persons who in her had deposited their confidence, but as age to wait it was the whole success. Imagine a room full of beautiful works, which authoress waits with her brilliant smile wasting warmth and sharm, wanting to correspond to the curiosity of the visitors. In these days she was recalling her teacher Luciano Cárcamo whom always she will resemble with special fondness. The critique and interview realized for F. Alvarez Alonso her was very favorable.
In 1959, they conceded him the First Prize of Painting in the Provincial Exhibition of the Sindical Work "Education and Rest". With reason of this prize, carried to all the first prizes of Spain, to a cultural trip during eight dias to Madrid. Of this form knew to the painters, visiting the studies of Benjamín Palencia, Pancho Cossio, Elena Frances. Of the sculptors: Plans and Juan of Avalos.

In 1962, it was the first individual exhibition that she realized. From this exhibition employed only the palette knife. It realized on the Room of Juvenile Art in Orense. It was very visited by numerous public, between these people D. Vicente Risco that congratulated it and encouraged to be followed forward. There Was very good critics in "The Region" and "Faro of Vigo".

In October of 1965, exposed and Santiago de Compostela in the Room of Exhibitions of "The Union of Artisans". Big number of people visited it. The critic very benign. The poet Jacobo Rey Porto, did a very good critical and in the book "Zurrón del Caminante" devoted him "Three Pictorial Sonnets".
In December of 1.965, expose again of Orense in the "Room Villar". In spite of the good critical is still thinking that it has to follow learning.

In June of 1966, exposed in Lugo in the "Circle of the Arts". It had a lot of success and critics very good in : "The Progress", "The Galician Ideal", "The Voice of Galicia", "Faro of Vigo" and "Galician Village" of the critics: J. Trapero Pardo, F. Rivera Cela, Zalo, R. Vilaseca and other interviews without signature.

In November of 1966, exposed in Brussels in the Room of Art "Lambermont". After quite a lot of bureaucratic difficulties,to realise it legally like temporary export, she thought that could not realize it, wanted to give to know his painting out of our borders; and for the period that touched him live full of political conflicts supposed a decision of big braveness. The success was very big artisticallyly. They assisted to the inauguration like representatives of the Spanish Embassy, the earls of Montefuerte and the Mr. Draque like added of Culture, likewise visited it of the American Hispanic embassies. They said that it was the first Galician painter that exposed in Brussels, comment that gladdened to our beautiful painter of green eyes.
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