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In 1968 it exposed in the "Room Toisón" of Madrid -expose in the capital was the aspiration of all artist, and had thought that it was the moment to give the step, although
his main worry kept on being to surpass each day and learn a bit but. The presentation realised it D. Jesús Ferro Cosuelo, Director of the Provincial Archaeologic Museum
of Ourense. They did him numerous critical and interviews in almost all the press, in "ABC": To.M Campoy; in "The Spanish": Luis Trabazo; in "ALREADY" Art, in "Village of
Madrid": M. To. García Viñolas; in "Madrid": Juby Bustamante; in "Newspaper S.P": Francisco Gor. And to his return to Orense a big reportaje in "The Region" by
Segundo Alvarado.
Of the year 69 to the 72 did not realize any exhibition although it did not leave to paint. It married in the 70. His first son died , and marked her steeply big part of his shine.
In February of 1973 had his second son,(although it remarks that never forgot it of the first) that filled of joy his soul, at last went back dias happy. In June of 1974 was born
his third treasure, his daughter, and already the happiness was complete. |
She went back to his exhibitions in 1973, in the Provincial Archaeologic Museum of Ourense. The critic of art Segundo Alvarado says "the dominant joy in his work" amongst
other compliments. Once again it is happy with the acceptance of the public; definitely a magic year.
In 1977, she exposed in Vigo in the "Circle Medina". Small critics in the "Faro of Vigo" and "Galician Village", as critical: Freire.
In 1978, she exposed in "The Liceo Re-create Orensano". Fué Very visited and there were several critics in "The Region" by Segundo Alvarado; in "The Mail Galician" by
J.J. Feijóo, and in "The Faro of Vigo" by De La Cruz.
In 1979 again it touches in Orense in the "House of the Culture" as in the previous times fué very visited and the press and critic very good by the critic of art: Segundo Alvarado. |
In 1981 it exposed in Torrelavega (Santander). There Were critics in press and radio very favourable/favorable in "Alert", "Diario Montañés", by M. Muriedas And the "Gazette North",
by M. Haro. Likewise in 1981 it exposes in "The Municipal Box of Savings" of Burgos. Of all the exhibitions realised/realized up to now, this was the most visited. Tomorrow and
late the room was full of people. Also fué to visit it and to congratulate him the Civil Governor D. Manuel del Hoyo Guilera.
Very good critics of the "Diary of Burgos".
In 1982, she exposes in the "Room of Exhibitions of the Provincial Direction of the Ministry of culture" of Orense. Again numerous public visiting it and once again in "The Region" an
extensive and good critic of Segundo Alvarado, Critic of art of the city of Orense. |
In 1983 she exposes in Pontevedra in to "Box of Provincial Savings". A lot of assistance of public and very good critics in the "Newspaper of Pontevedra",
by D.P And in "Headlight of Vigo".
In 1986, she inaugurates his study of painting in the Santo Domingo street of Orense, with a small room of exhibitions for his work exclusively. In the newspaper
"The Region" do him a big reportaje and critical of his work by J.J Feijóo.
In 1990, she exposed in Orense in the "Classroom of Culture of Caixa Ourense". They assisted to the inauguration the Chief executive officer of Culture: Daniel
Cheap, President of the Deputation Povincial Jose Luis Baltar Pumar, Provincial Delegate of Culture Gabino García and managerial of Caixa Ourense. It was
very visited, by what feels appreciated to the Ourense´s people that always have known to give him immense samples of affection. The critic once again very
good by Segundo Alvarado in "The Region" and "Headlight Orense".
In 1995, an extensive and favourable critic in the Newspaper "The Region" by Mariluz Villar.
In 1996 it exposes in the Salamanca in the "Galician Centre/Center". Very visited and criticise/criticize very favorable in "The Advance"and "The Gazette" by
Jose To. Montero.
In 1997, in "The Region",extensive interview with photographs on his painting.
In 1997, in "The Region",extensive interview with photographs on his painting.
In 1999, it exposes in the Municipal Museum of Orense. Big success with numerous public. Several critics and interviews with photographies in "The Region"
by the Critic of Art Segundo Alvarado and Jose Corral Diaz (painter).In this exhibition to part of other subjects, presented in thirty-three oils, the "Ways" to Santiago
that go through Orense, all they with monuments. In this same year goes back to expose in the "Galician Center" of Salamanca. |
In 2001 she exposes in Austria in the "Center of Historical Heritage" of Gratz. They did the prsentation of the exhibition three chairs of the University. It was very
visited by numerous public and the press, as the translation to the very favourable Spanish. To the return in the Newspaper "The Region" Mariluz Villar
did an extensive critic very good.
In 2005 she exposes in "The House of Galicia" of Madrid. The presentation of the exhibition, as well as in the catalogue realized it Mercedes Galician Esperanza,
Doctor in History of the Art. Good critical and a lot of influx of public.You criticize in the "Point of the Arts" by Leticia Martín Ruiz and from Madrid for
"The Region", Chinny Gamir.
In 2008, she exposes in the Cultural Center of the Deputation of Orense. It was visited by numerous publish and the press and critics very abundant in "The Region"
by Inmanol Hernandez, Mercedes Galician Esperanza, Mariluz Villar, Xavier Limia of Gardón. "The Voice of Orense" by Candida Andalusian, Jerónimo Martél. "Faro
Of Vigo" by Patricia Torres.
Until here the extensive and productive artistic life of this wonderful woman. At present it continues with several projects. |
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